Welcome to Lifero Skin and Hair Clinic’s page dedicated to Urticaria, also known as hives. We understand the discomfort and frustration that this condition can cause, and our specialized team of dermatologists and healthcare professionals is here to provide you with comprehensive care and effective solutions to manage and alleviate your symptoms.


Urticaria is a common skin condition characterized by the sudden appearance of itchy, raised welts on the skin. These welts, known as hives, can vary in size and shape and often have a red or pale coloration. Urticaria can be acute (lasting less than six weeks) or chronic (lasting more than six weeks).


Based on your diagnosis and individual needs, we offer a range of advanced treatment options to effectively manage urticaria:


These medications are the primary treatment for urticaria. We may prescribe over-the-counter or prescription-strength antihistamines to help relieve itching and reduce the frequency and severity of hives.


In severe cases or during flare-ups, short-term use of oral or topical corticosteroids may be recommended to quickly reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms.

Anti-Inflammatory Medications:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or leukotriene receptor antagonists may be prescribed to help control inflammation and minimize hives.

Identifying and Avoiding Triggers:

Our team will work with you to identify potential triggers that may be causing or exacerbating your urticaria. By avoiding or minimizing exposure to these triggers, you can help prevent or reduce the frequency of hives.


Lifestyle Modifications

Certain lifestyle changes, such as managing stress, maintaining a healthy diet, and avoiding excessive heat or cold, can help manage urticaria and reduce the likelihood of flare-ups.

Our Approach:

At Lifero Skin and Hair Clinic, we take a patient-centered approach to diagnosing and managing urticaria. We recognize that each individual's experience with urticaria is unique, and our goal is to provide personalized care to help you find relief and improve your quality of life.


During your consultation, our experienced dermatologists will conduct a thorough evaluation of your symptoms and medical history. We will discuss your triggers, the duration and frequency of your hives, and any accompanying symptoms. This information will help us determine the type and potential causes of your urticaria, leading to an accurate diagnosis.

Ongoing Support and Follow-Up:

We believe in providing ongoing support to our patients. Our dermatologists will closely monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed to ensure the best possible outcomes. We encourage open communication and are here to answer your questions, address concerns, and provide guidance throughout your urticaria.

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